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Conversion Report (Publisher interface)
Conversion Report (Publisher interface)

Conversion Report as on Publisher's interface

Updated over 12 months ago

At a glance: With the conversion report, you can measure the performance of every campaign with a date range filter and advanced reporting options.

You can separate the report based on the campaigns, click ID, conversion ID, and status, and fetch the report. Also, you could export the conversion log CSV file from the Export CSV button for the offline report.

Checking Conversion Report

As a publisher, it is important for you to check the conversion report to see how the traffic that you are sending on the campaign is performing. You can check the data and compare it with the postbacks that you have received on your network.

Go to Report from the side menu and select Conversion Report.

Note: Now you can save the conversion report and create a quick link to access it whenever you want with zero hassle.

  • You will see the conversion ID, click ID, conversion method, and conversion IP in the report. Also, this report shows the associated campaign with the conversion, the date on which you received it, and the status of it.

Report Filter

There are a few filters available for the publisher to view their conversion data according to their requirements:

Report Filter

Conversion ID: A unique conversion ID that is generated at the advertiser's end.

Click ID: Trackier click ID.

Source: Publisher's publisher.

Click-to-conversion time: The time that it took to convert the click into a conversion.

Conversion method: This field shows if the conversion method was postback or pixel.

Publisher Name: Name of the publisher who made the conversion.

Publisher Manager: The publisher manager is assigned to the publisher who made that conversion.

Advertiser Manager: Name of the advertiser's manager who is assigned to your panel.

Sale Amount: Sale amount that is received through postback.

Original Sale Amount: The original sale amount is usually the same as the sale amount; it can only be seen differently if the campaign currency is different.

Original sale currency: the currency that is received through postback.

Campaign Name: Name of the campaign.

Landing Page: The landing page on which the user has landed after clicking on your link.

Goal ID: Goal ID for which conversion has occurred.

Goal Name: Name of the goal for which conversion has occurred.

Payout: The payout that has been defined for that campaign.

Currency: The currency of the campaign.

Smart link: For which smart link has the conversion been made?

Conversion IP: The IP address of the user when this conversion has occurred.

Click IP: IP address of the user when the click was performed.

City: Name of the city from which the user has made this conversion.

Region: Name of the region from which the user has made this conversion.

Country: The country code of the country from which the user has made this


P1: Trackier, click ID.

P2 to P10: Information received in open parameters.

Carrier: Internet service provider.

Latitude: Latitude of the IP address of the user.

Longitude: The longitude of the IP address of the user.

Browser: Name of the browser using which the user has made this conversion.

Operating system: Name of the operating system of the user's device (i.e Android, Windows, Linux, IOS)

Device: Device type of the user (i.e Computer, mobile)

Device language: the device language of the user.

Note: A system note that provides a small description of conversion if the conversion status is not "approved."

Click time: The time when the click was performed for any conversion.

External offer ID: An external offer ID is available on the other platform; for example, if a campaign has been fetched via API, then it will come with an external offer ID.

Type: There are 3 types of conversion type

  • Conversion: It appears when the conversion is for the default goal.

  • Sale: appears for CPS campaigns

  • Goal: If the conversion is for any goal that has been created.

Connection type: This filter shows the connection type of the user; it can be a cellular, cable connection, etc.

IDFA: This filter option allows you to see the information received in IDFA, which is the Apple ID of the user.

App ID: Every app store, like the Apple Store or Play Store, has a unique app ID associated with it (specific to CPI campaigns).

App Name: Name of the app for which the campaign is being run (CPI-specific).

Android ID: This field contains the Android ID of the user.

Click user agent: This field displays the device + operating system of the user.

Approved at: The date and time when the conversion was approved by the advertiser.

Note: To view all the filters, please access the admin's conversion report.

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