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CAP Report

CAP Report

Updated over 11 months ago

At a Glance: This article helps in understanding and fetching the CAP report, all the CAP that are applied to any campaign, and the settings of the same.

The CAP report will give you an overview of the CAPs that have been applied and enabled in all the campaigns. Instead of searching and going to every campaign, you can simply access the CAP Report; just head over to the "Reports" tab and click on "Additional Report." From there, you can select the CAP Report.

For example, if you are willing to fetch a report of conversions that have been cancelled by CAP in the last week for all the campaigns, this report will help you do the same.

CAP report

Report Attributes

  • Campaign: The name of the campaign for which the CAP is enabled.

  • Publishers: The name of publishers for which you have enabled the CAP. If it is applied to everyone, it will show "ALL."

  • Metric: Metric refers to the type of CAP that has been enabled. For example, CAP on conversion, CAP on clicks, and CAP on approved conversion.

  • Goal: The goal that you have mentioned while applying Capping.

  • Limit: This section will showcase the limit that you have set in numerical terms for the CAP.

  • Usage: Numerical target achieved concerning the CAP enabled.

  • Percentage: It refers to the percentage representation of usage of the CAP enabled.

  • Redirection Setting: After reaching the limit of the CAP, if the user has enabled the fallback setting, then this will be reflected in this column. If no fallback setting is enabled, then it will reflect as a blank.

    CAP Report

Note: You can also download this report in CSV or PDF format. You can also choose to filter out your data based on campaign name, publisher, and CAP type.

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