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Impact Integration via API
Impact Integration via API
Updated over 2 months ago

At a Glance: This article will walk you through the steps if you want to integrate with Impact through a network API

Trackier now supports Impact API integrations, enabling you to seamlessly retrieve campaigns from your advertiser's Impact platform and view them directly within your Trackier platform.

How to begin integrating with Impact?

Below are the steps that show how to properly integrate with Impact:

Step 1: Adding Impact Integration

To set up an integration on the Trackier Platform, start by navigating to the Automation section. From there, click on Integration and then select Network. Choose the Impact integration, and click on the Add button.

Step 2: API Details

The necessary details are to be filled in this section:

  • API key or token: In this section, you can enter the API key or token given by the advertiser.

  • Account ID: In this section, you can enter your Account ID, which you will find on the advertiser's platform.

  • API URL: In this section, you can fill in the API URL given by the advertiser.

  • Append to Tracking URL: This will add parameters and macro combinations automatically to the tracking link. Find a list of Trackier macros for advertiser integration by clicking here.

  • Append to Impression URL: This will add parameters and macro combinations to the impression link.

    Note: The {imp_id} macro is mandatory to be placed. To learn more, please click here.

Step 3: Basic Details

  • Advertiser: Choose the advertiser that you are integrating with through this API.

  • Category: You can select a category in which all offers should be considered, although if the advertiser is sending us the category in the API, we use that by default.

  • Imported Offers Status: This will determine the status of offers being fetched through the API on your dashboard.

  • Imported Offers Visibility: It will decide the visibility of offers coming via API to your panel.

    • Private: Only the assigned publishers can see these offers.

    • Permission: Publishers can see the offer, but to take it live, they need to ask for permission.

    • Public: Publishers will have access to all the campaigns and can generate a tracking link anytime.

  • The ratio of payout/revenue: You can set a payout ratio (for the publisher) that is to be maintained for the fetched offers; you can keep it the same for all or create tier-wise payout ratios for different publishers. For example, If this is set up as 0.9, and in the campaigns the advertiser is giving you payout as 10 USD, then the publisher payout in the campaigns created on your dashboard will be 9 USD.

  • Add Publisher-Specific Payout: You can set publisher-specific payouts as well. All you need to do is enter the publisher's name and the payout value.

Step 4: Filters

In this step, you can filter out offers based on different criteria. This will help you fetch only relevant offers.

  • Country Logic: You can block or allow certain country offers coming in the API.

  • Skip offers without a preview link: If you enable this, then any offer coming via API that doesn't have a preview URL will be skipped.

  • Offers Model to Import: Through this, you can import the required type of offer objective (CPL, CPA, CPI, CPS, etc.)

  • Minimum Payout: You can set the minimum payout range that you want to fetch.

  • Maximum Payout: You can set the maximum payout range that you want to fetch.

  • OS: You can fetch certain device offers (all, Android, or iOS).

  • Geo Filter: You can add a new geo filter specifying the country name and min and max payouts.

Step 5: Integration Settings

In this section, you can save time by selecting certain columns to get updated when the API refreshes.

  • Import Frequency: You can adjust the API refresh time from here.

  • Integration Status: If you want to disable or make any integration active again, you can do this in this section.

  • Updatable Columns: Offers fetched via API will be refreshed and updated each time. If you want certain columns to not get updated when the API is refreshed, then uncheck the required ones.

  • Redirect Type: Redirect is a way to send both users and search engines to a different URL from the one originally requested. You can set this as 302 (moved temporarily), 200 OK (no redirect), and so on.

  • Campaign Primary Objective: It could be CPA, CPI, CPC, etc.

  • Override Campaign Currency: This will set the default currency for all your campaigns imported via that network.

  • Time Targeting: Set up time targeting and define the time zone against the same.

  • Track Multiple Conversions with the Same Click ID: Selecting this option to yes will ensure that all conversions with the same click ID are uniquely recorded.

  • Allow Impressions: By selecting yes for this option, impressions will also be fetched.

  • Allow Spillover Conversions: In case the CAP is surpassed, below are the actions that should be taken regarding the excess conversions:

    - Always (approve the conversions, even if the campaign is not active)
    - Yes (approve the conversions if campaign is paused because of CAP)
    - No (cancel the conversions)

Description and KPI's

  • Description: In this section, you can provide details about all the retrieved offers.

  • KPI's: In this section, KPI will be added to all the retrieved offer KPIs.

Cap Settings:

  • Update CAPs: By choosing Yes, both the caps for campaigns and those created through additional settings will be updated.

  • CAP type for imported campaigns: The chosen CAP type (gross or approved) will be added to the campaign CAPs that are imported through integration.

  • Additional Cap Settings: In case you want to add additional CAP settings that will be applied to imported campaigns via this integration only, enable the button and enter the CAP value, timezone, and CAP over delivery.

  • Add CAP to imported campaigns: You can add CAP to the campaigns as soon as they are created in the Trackier panel. This option will allow you to set the CAP event.

  • Cap Visibility: Define whether the Cap will be visible to your publishers or not via the CAP Visibility option.

  • CAP Timezone: Set the timezone for the CAP through this section. Once selected, the CAP will work for that particular timezone.

  • Cap Over Delivery: You can use this option to define whether the campaign should update to a paused state or remain active when the cap has been reached.


Use a combination of basic details and updatable columns to keep the API visibility and status changed based on manual changes only, along with the API refresh rate.

Note: Impact does not allow the panel to automatically fetch goals; therefore, they need to be created manually.

Step 6: View Offers

This section will help you to filter and fetch only those offers that are relevant to you.


  • If you select certain offers, then only those offers will be fetched on Trackier, and only those will be checked when the API refreshes.

  • If you want all offers to be fetched, then do not select any particular offer and move to the next step to review the API setup.

Step 7: Review and Finalize

In this section, please review each setting carefully and click 'Finish' to complete the integration process.

Once you press 'Finish', the integration will be completed and the campaign will be fetched via API, and you can check the same in the 'Manage Campaign' section. If you want to edit, update, and check for logs and errors, you will find the same options on the API integration page itself.


The API will instantly fetch offers based on the settings. If more offers are approved afterwards, then they will be fetched on the next refresh based on the frequency set while creating integration on step 4.

If you want to integrate with Impact via postback, you can refer to this article: Integrating-with-impact

We're thrilled to have put together a top-notch team of qualified experts who are available to handle any of your concerns and respond to any inquiries you may have. You can contact us at any time by sending an email to or using the in-platform chat feature.

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