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Custom Advertiser Pixel (GA Discrepancy)

Custom Advertiser Pixel (GA Discrepancy)

Updated over a week ago

Using Google Ads and Google Analytics together is a powerful pair that advertisers are increasingly using to track what happens when people click on their ads. Not just this, Google Analytics' intense reporting module also gives an understanding of conversion sources driving sales, thereby making it easier for marketers to make sense of their Ad spending and make informed decisions.

However, as Performance Marketing scales up in an organisation, the need to manage multiple performances and pixels becomes complicated, and that is where we come into the picture. Trackier is a one-stop solution to automate your end-to-end Affiliate Marketing initiatives, from adding publishers to their postbacks, their payouts, and sharing creatives, tweaking changes in offers, controlling targeting, fraud clicks etc.

While the onboarding process with advertisers is fairly smooth, many times we find Data discrepancies between the tracked sales on Trackier vs Google Analytics for the same data set and date range. This is basically due to the difference in the basic operations of click tracking, and let's explore the same in detail in this article.

How Trackier tracks a conversion is by assigning each Publisher a unique tracking link and following the consumer journey until a conversion is made, and the Thank-you page pixel is fired. However, Today’s customer journey doesn’t follow a standard path—it’s diverse, non-linear, and always evolving.

Consumers conduct research about products across a variety of devices—for instance, a user could click on an ad via a publisher's tracking link and not make a purchase. However, a few hours later the same consumer could search for the product on Google Search and make a conversion. In this case, since Google Analytics pixel is placed on every landing page, it would be tracked to it's original source, i.e. the Organic. However, since the user originally clicked on Publisher's tracking link on Trackier, therefore it would reflect as a 'Non-Organic' conversion on our panel.

To combat this discrepancy, we have custom code to make Trackier behave like a GA pixel.

On all Landing Pages:

This is the script tag that can be placed in <head>

<script src=""></script>

In the Campaign URL add the bold part as highlighted in the sample URL below:{publisher_id}&click_id={click_id}

Thankyou Page script:

// Trackier Integration Code for order purchase<script>
(function () {
  function getCookieVal(name) {
    const allCookies = document.cookie.split('; ');
    var result = null;
    allCookies.forEach(function (v) {
      if (v.indexOf(name + '=') !== -1) {
        result = v.split('=')[1];
        return false;
    return result;
  var clickId = getCookieVal('click_id') || '';
  var tr_utm_camp = getCookieVal('tr_utm_camp') || '';
  if (/^trackier_/.test(tr_utm_camp)) {
    var a=document.createElement("iframe");
UPDATE_THE_URL_HERE | will be found at the bottom of the campaign page, and add the corresponding Transaction ID, Sale Amount and Click ID macros.

In case you have any issues please mail us at

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