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Watcho Integration

Watcho Integration

Updated this week

At a Glance: This article will guide you on how to set up the Watcho integration with Trackier.


Watcho is a video streaming and OTT app used to view movies and shows. It provides content to users over the internet, bypassing traditional broadcast methods like cable or satellite.

Integrating Watcho with Trackier will help you to track user engagement on video ads or campaigns run on the platform. You can analyse key metrics such as view-through rates, user interactions, or clicks on advertisements.

Integration Steps:

Step 1: Access the Integration

From the Dashboard, navigate to Automation and then select Integration.

In this section, click on Tools, where you’ll find Watcho listed as an available option. Click on 'Config' to proceed with the integration.

Step 2: Configure the Integration

Once you click on 'config,' you will be redirected to the following page. Enter the details to set up the configuration.

Environment: Select the environment and choose between UAT (User Acceptance Testing) or Production based on your testing or live environment needs.

  • UAT is used for testing the integration with test data to ensure everything functions as expected before going live.

  • Production is for the live environment where real data and transactions will be processed.

Event Value Field: In this field, select or enter any value between sub1 and sub15.

Order ID Field: Enter the Order ID in this field. This ID is unique to each transaction or subscription made by the user.

OTT SMS ID Field: Enter the SMS ID in this field. If you are sending SMS notifications to customers about their subscription or any updates, this ID will help track and link specific messages to the corresponding campaign or event.

Plan ID Field: This refers to the specific DishTV subscription plan that the user has selected. You will need to provide the Plan ID here to ensure accurate tracking and reporting.

Source Field: Enter the Source Field in this section. This field captures the source of the customer’s subscription or action. It could refer to a specific marketing channel (e.g., Facebook, Google Ads), an affiliate network, or other sources driving traffic to your DishTV service.

Whitelist Publishers: Choose the publishers you want to whitelist for this integration.

Blacklist Publishers: This field allows you to specify any publishers you want to block from driving traffic or conversions to your campaign.

Whitelist Campaigns: Choose the campaigns that you want to whitelist.

Blacklist Campaigns: This field allows you to specify any CAMPAIGNS you want to block from driving traffic or conversions to your campaign.

Status: Choose the status of this integration, whether you want it to be active or paused.

Click 'Save' to finalise the setup, and you're all set with the integration.

NOTE: By default, all publishers and campaigns are whitelisted, but you can choose to limit traffic by selecting the publishers and campaigns you want to allow.

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