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Adjust Trackier Integration
Adjust Trackier Integration

Adjust Trackier Integration

Updated over 3 months ago

At a Glance: This article is directed towards ad networks seeking to integrate with the Adjust platform. Adjust has the capability to transmit Trackier attribution data for both install and in-app events.

There is no need for a pre-integration setup with the Adjust platform. After obtaining the necessary information from your advertiser, you can create your tracking link and configure postbacks via Adjust's Partner page.

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Take the campaign live in 6 easy steps

Step 1: Adjust the URL and event token

If Adjust is your preferred mobile measurement partner (MMP), it is recommended that you obtain the following information from your advertiser or generate it independently.

1. Adjust link or app url that you want to promote.

2. Event tokens and their respective significance

For example,

Adjust link :{pid}&adgroup={sub2}&creative={sub3}

Event tokens: Registration = re8il0

Step 2: Install and Event postback

To access the Install and Event postback on our panel, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the 'Automation' section on the panel.

  2. From there, navigate to the 'Integration' tab.

  3. Here, you will see a list of our MMP (mobile measurement partner) integrations.

  4. Please click on the 'Adjust' option from the list.

​By following these steps, you will be able to access the Install and Event postback

Adjust Trackier Integration

Adjust Trackier Integration

Step 3: Generate campaign URL

  • Open Adjust partner page by clicking here

  • Now fill out the form by following the below-mentioned steps:

    1. Add your client's adjust links

    Input the appropriate adjust link or app url provided by your advertiser.

    2. Add your callback URLs

    Include the event postback and event token (provided by your advertiser) in the specified fields. Specify the 6-digit token in the token field.

    3. Install callback

    Include the install postback in this field.

    4. Copy and share your final adjust links

    You can copy your final adjust link by which you can create a campaign using the same link as campaign url.


Adjust Trackier Integration

Step 5: Campaign creation

  • Now create a campaign in the Trackier panel with the link that is generated by Adjust.

  • Also, you need to create a goal in the campaign by keeping the same goal_value that you used as the token in the adjust form.

  • Once the campaign and goals are created, it is necessary to make a test conversion to check that the install and event conversions are getting recorded effectively on the panel or not.


  • If the goal value is different in tokens and campaign goals, you will not receive the event postback.

  • For the Impression Adjust URL, be sure to include an imp_id parameter in the URL against the Trackier {imp_id} macro.

Step 6: Whiteliste Adjust advertiser's IPs

  • We recommend whitelisting the Adjust IPs on the Trackier panel to avoid IP fraud. To do that, go to the Adjust integration page on your platform.

  • Here you will see an option to whitelist IPs. Select the advertiser from whom you are running the adjust campaigns, and the adjust IPs will be automatically whitelisted for that advertiser.

Adjust Trackier Integration


  • If you have included IP whitelisting in the advertiser settings, then priority will be given to those specific IPs instead of the entire list of IPs provided and updated by Adjust.

  • If you are facing any tracking issues even after following the article, it is recommended to recheck the campaign URL generated from the Adjust Partner page. If the issue still persists, feel free to reach out to the support team.

Adjust Partner Registration Form

Adjust requires partners to complete a detailed registration form. This article will help you understand each section of the form, ensuring you provide accurate information to streamline the integration process. It’s essential to complete the form thoroughly and ensure the contact details provided belong to your main point of contact, as they will be responsible for communicating with the Adjust team.

Basic Details

  • Email: Enter your email address.

  • Partner Name: Provide the name to be displayed in the Adjust partner list.

  • Main POC: First Name: Enter the first name of your primary contact.

  • Main POC: Last Name: Enter the last name of your primary contact.

  • Main POC: Email: Provide the email address of your primary contact.

  • Partner Description: Briefly describe your company.

  • Company Country HQ: Specify the country where your headquarters are located.

  • Official Homepage URL: Provide the link to your company’s official website.

  • Mutual Clients: List any clients you share with Adjust.

  • For which region(s) do you operate : Select all regions where you can support Adjust clients.

Partner Type

Select the option that best aligns with your core services. If your business overlaps categories (e.g., a media channel with built-in analytics), choose the one most central to your operations or the primary function you’ll use Adjust for.

Media Channels

  • Partner Type: Select the option that best aligns with your core services.

    • Ad Exchange (RTB): A digital marketplace for buying and selling ad inventory via real-time bidding.

    • Ad Network: A platform that aggregates ad inventory from publishers and matches it with advertiser demand.

    • Affiliate Network: A network connecting advertisers with affiliates who promote offers on a performance-based model.

    • Direct Publisher: A single content publisher that directly sells ad inventory to advertisers.

    • DSP (Demand-Side Platform): A platform enabling advertisers to bid for and purchase ad inventory programmatically.

    • Influencer Network: A group of influencers collaborating with brands to promote products and services.

    • Mediation: A service that optimises ad revenue by managing multiple ad networks for publishers.

    • Push Provider: A service offering push notification ads for user engagement or promotion.

    • Retargeting Network: A platform focused on re-engaging users who have previously interacted with a brand or app.

    • SSP (Supply-Side Platform): A platform for publishers to sell their ad inventory programmatically.

    • Video Network: An ad network specialising in video ad inventory across various platforms.

  • Please enter your IDFA macro: Enter the IDFA macro used for tracking, it's {idfa} for trackier.

  • Please enter your Google Advertising ID macro: Provide the macro for Google Ads tracking, it's {gaid} for trackier.

  • Please enter your campaign name (ID) macro: Input the macro representing campaign names. For trackier it's {campaign_title}.

  • Please enter your publisher ID macro: Enter the macro for publisher identification.
    ​It's {publisher_id} for trackier.

  • Please enter your sub-publisher ID macro: Specify the macro for sub-publisher IDs. It's {source} for in our case.

  • Please enter your creative name (ID) macro: Add the macro for creative identifiers. For us it's {creative_name}.

  • Please share your install callback URL: You can find the install postback in your Trackier panel under Automation > Integration > Mobile App Tracking > Adjust Setup.

  • Are you running server-to-server (S2S) traffic only: You can choose between Yes or No. Please choose 'NO' if you run S2S traffic partially.

Media Channels: Technical information (Optional fields)

  • Please enter your click ID macro: Provide the macro for click tracking.
    Trackier uses {click_id} for passing the click data.

  • Please enter your IP macro: Input the macro used for IP tracking. For click IP we use {ip} whereas for conversion IP {conversion_ip}.

  • Android ID Macro: Enter the macro for Android device IDs. For trackier it's {android_id}.

  • Impression ID Macro: Specify the macro for impression tracking.

  • Affiliate Name (ID) Macro: Provide the macro for affiliate identifiers. For passing Name/Username we use {aff_name}, {aff_username}.

  • Please enter your cost type macro: State the campaign pricing model (e.g., CPC, CPI, CPE, CPM).

  • Cost Amount Macro: Provide the macro for cost values.

  • Cost Currency Macro: Specify the macro for currency type.

  • Do you have cost reporting API to send ad spend data: Choose between yes or no. Besides sending cost data on the tracking URL if you have your own API, please consult with the Adjust rep.

Analytics Platform - Technical information

  • Partner Type:

    • Analytics platform: Platforms focused on collecting, processing, and analyzing marketing data.

    • Retargeting providers and engagement platforms: Partners specializing in re-engaging users or driving engagement through targeted campaigns.

    • Campaign management partners: Platforms that assist in creating, managing, and optimizing ad campaigns.

    • Customer relationship management platforms: Systems designed to manage client relationships and sales data.

    • Data management platforms: Tools used to collect and organize data for targeted advertising and audience segmentation.

    • Original equipment manufactures or preload partners: Companies providing apps pre-installed on devices.

    • TV Analytics platforms: Platforms analyzing television-related ad data and audience insights.

    • Over-the-Top (OTT) Platforms: Streaming services delivering content via the internet rather than traditional broadcasting.

    • Other: Specify any partner type not listed above.

  • Which REST API method do you use? : Choose the HTTP method (GET or POST) your platform supports for data exchange.

  • If you are using POST method, what is the Header requirement?: Specify the headers required for POST requests (e.g., authorization tokens).

  • What is your server endpoint?: Provide the URL where Adjust sends server-to-server requests.

  • Choose activity kinds that you are expecting to receive.

    • Adjust can ping your servers for all different activity types:

      • installs (first app open)

      • sessions (any app open after being inactive for 30+ min)

      • reattributions (existing users that were reattributed to you following a re-engagement campaign)

      • in-app events (any point in the Adjust SDK that the client has defined as an event. Common use cases are purchase, level complete, tutorial complete, etc.)

      • rejected installs and rejected reattributions

      • Other: If the activity you expect not mentioned above, you can add it here.

  • Share your callback template: You can find the install and event postback in your Trackier panel under Automation > Integration > Mobile App Tracking > Adjust Setup.

CTV Partner

  • Partner Type: Select your role in the CTV ecosystem: CTV Platform, DSP, or Streaming App.

  • Do you offer CTV inventory to clients?: Choose between YES or NO.

  • Do you own CTV inventory or do you offer inventory on behalf of its owners?

    • Yes if you own CTV inventory.

    • No if you offer on behalf of partners.

  • Are ads on CTV delivered client-side or server-side? : Choose if ads on CTV are delivered client-side or server-side

  • Do you offer specific data related to CTV inventory: Yes or No.

  • If yes, please provide examples : examples are data on context that the ad was shown, skipping, muting or unmuting, changes in screen size, etc.

  • What is the typical use-case for clients who are running CTV campaigns? :

    Choose the option that most closely describes the use case, You can choose other if your use case isn’t mentioned.

  • Do your customers personally upload ad creatives and MMP links to your platform? :

    • Yes - we operate as self-service

    • No - we operate as a managed service and ad management is handled internally on behalf of clients

    • Other - Mention any other reason you might have

  • Please enter your IP macro: Provide the macro used for tracking user IP addresses.

  • Please enter your impression ID macro: Input the macro to track impression identifiers.

  • Please enter your click ID macro: Provide the macro for tracking clicks.

    (This is applicable for CTV if clients choose to use QR codes)

  • Please enter your campaign name (ID) macro: Specify the macro for campaign identification.

  • Please enter your publisher ID macro: Provide the macro for identifying publishers.

  • Please enter your sub-publisher ID macro: Input the macro for sub-publisher tracking.

  • Please enter your creative name (ID) macro: Enter the macro for creative identifiers.

  • Please share your install callback URL: You can find the install postback in your Trackier panel under Automation > Integration > Mobile App Tracking > Adjust Setup.

  • Are you running server-to-server (S2S) traffic only?:

    • Choose "Yes" if all your traffic is S2S.

    • Choose "No" if only part of your traffic is S2S or you also use other methods.

  • Do you have a cost reporting API to send ad spend data?: Indicate "Yes" if you can provide ad spend data via API, otherwise choose "No."

  • Please enter your cost type macro: Provide the macro indicating the campaign pricing model (e.g., CPC, CPE, CPI, CPM).

  • Please enter your cost amount macro: Input the macro to track the cost value of the campaign.

  • Please enter your cost currency macro: Specify the macro for the currency used in the cost data (e.g., USD, EUR).

We're thrilled to have put together a top-notch team of qualified experts who are available to handle any of your concerns and respond to any inquiries you may have. You can contact us at any time by sending an email to or using the in-platform chat feature.

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