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Invoice Settings

Invoice Settings

Updated over a year ago

At a Glance: In this guide, you will learn about the settings for generating invoices for both publishers and advertisers.

You can easily automate and apply a few of the settings for the invoices being generated as part of this section. From auto-generating invoices on the defined dates and days to adding your bank details for the client end, this can easily help anyone reduce the manual effort and get things done efficiently.

Auto Generate Settings

Customize: Invoice

  • Auto Generate Invoice: With this option, Trackier will automatically create invoices for your publishers and inform them.

  • Minimum Amount: You can set the minimum amount for which you want to generate the invoice. For instance, you don't want to publish any invoice that is less than $50,000. You can enter that value as part of this field.

  • Frequency: The frequency of the invoice can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, and so on and so forth.

  • Date of Month: The date on which you want your invoice to be generated. It can be the start of the month or the end of the month. Whichever date suits you the best.

  • Allowed Payout Types: The payment types you would want to allow.

  • Day of the week: Choose any particular day when you want the invoice to be generated.

  • Offset: The number of days you want to look past while generating the invoice.

  • Generate Invoice Based On: Generating invoice based on either the creation date or the approval date.

  • Invoice Mode: If you want to create an invoice day, month, or campaign-wise.

  • Prefix Invoice ID: How the invoice ID will look. You can customize that as per your wishes.

  • Metrics: In this option, you will need to select the metrics for which you would prefer the invoice to be generated.

  • Should Not Check Date Range: This feature allows for the generation of a publisher's invoice, either from the most recent one or upon the creation of the publisher.

Publisher-Specific Invoice Settings

This section will allow you to add a minimum amount for your publishers, which will automatically be added and adjusted in any invoice created for those publishers.

Billing company

You can enter the details of your company, which will be added as part of the invoices that you create for your advertisers and publishers.

Bank Details

You can enter the details of your bank, which will be added as part of the invoices that you create for your advertisers and publishers.

Generate Invoice

There will be an option to directly create and generate invoices on or before the current date for all the publishers. Once you click it, the invoices will be created automatically.

Exchange rates

You can alter the exchange rates here and see the rates for different currencies. You can also see these exchange rates as part of the customization under Tracking.

Advertiser Invoice Auto-Generate Settings

Customize: Invoice

  • Hide Logo in Advertiser Invoice: You have the option to hide the logo by activating the "Hide logo" button.

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