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Brand Bidding
Updated over a week ago

At a glance: This article provides and explaination on the Trackier's new Brand bidding feature.

What is brand bidding?

Brand bidding is the practice of using a trademarked brand's keywords to advertise other brands through DSPs such as Google Ads.

Take this as an illustration:

Name: Nike

Keyword: Running shoes made by Nike

  • Nike has entered into an agreement with agency XYZ, whereby it permits the use of its trademarked terms, like "Nike," to improve website promotion via XYZ's offerings.

  • Another organization, PQR, looks for promotional opportunities without violating Google Ads policies because it works in sectors like phishing and gambling.

  • PQR approaches XYZ with the idea of using Nike's keywords to promote their website. This is made possible by cloaking software that sends users to PQR's website while diverting the Google bot to Nike's website.

  • As a result, a sponsored link for PQR shows up at the top of search results when users look for Nike products, such as running shoes.

  • Brands like Nike lose out on sales and traffic as a result of this practice.

In order to tackle this problem, Trackier has created a feature that allows brands to search the web for active campaigns that use specific keywords in pre-specified geographical areas. With the help of this feature, brands can determine when unapproved parties are bidding on their keywords and take the necessary action to safeguard their interests.

How to use the feature?

Step 1

In your Trackier Panel, go to Automation and select the ‘brand bidding’ option.

This feature is visible in your panel if you are registered as a brand on Trackier.

Step 2

An interface like this will be visible:

brand bidding interface on Trackier

Step 3

To search for campaigns against a certain keyword, enter it first, then the nation, state, and city you want to look at.

When you search, all active campaigns will show up in the results, along with the websites they are promoting and the final URLs that appear in the ads.

A discrepancy of any kind between the final URL and the website that was promoted would indicate brand bidding.

brand bidding result

Need instant resolution?

We want to assure our customers that Trackier provides an in-house customer support team available for instant query resolution. You can reach out to us via email at or directly engage with our in-house agents through our live chat feature.

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