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Conversion from advertiser not recorded?
Conversion from advertiser not recorded?

Conversion from advertiser not recorded?

Updated over 11 months ago

At a Glance: If your conversion is not being tracked on Trackier, there are some troubleshooting steps you can take to identify the issue. This article will provide detailed information on the subject.

Conversions move from the advertiser's panel to the publisher's panel. If you see conversions on the advertiser's platform but no conversions on Trackier, you can follow the steps below to determine the cause and resolve the issue.

Step 1: Debug Postback

To start with troubleshooting, go to Advertiser and select Debug Postback. Once you get there, select:

  • An advertiser with whom you have a tracking issue.

  • Date range in which postback is fired from the advertiser's end.

Step 2: Check Error Message

In this section, you can check the error message appearing in the debug postback and take action accordingly to resolve it on your own.


Case 1: When you can see the click ID in the click ID column.

Reason: Click doesn't belong to the Trackier platform, advertiser tried to manually fire postback with a random click ID


  • Copy the click ID and search in the click log; if you don't find that, then it is confirmed that it doesn't belong to us.

  • Make sure the security token matches the postback you have shared.


  • Ask the advertiser to do a postback test with the system, and don't use a random or old click ID to fire a postback.

  • Ask the advertiser to use the correct postback with the correct security token.

Case 2: There is no click ID in Click ID column, instead, there is some random parameter

Reason: Advertiser is not passing us correct Click ID in Postback via correct Macro or we are sending Advertiser Trackier Click ID in the wrong parameter.


  • Check which Parameter you are passing the Trackier Click Id to the advertiser in campaign URL and confirm with Advertiser if that is the right parameter

  • Confirm with Advertiser through which macro they are passing us Click ID back through the postback.

  • Amend the campaign URL if you are using the wrong advertiser parameter.

  • Make sure the advertiser is passing back to us the click ID using the correct macro; it should be the same as the parameter in which we are sending them the Trackier Click ID.


Reason: When you are tracking multiple conversions from the same click ID and you have not enabled the option to track multiple conversions or Goal


  • If you want to track multiple-goal conversion from the same click ID, then you need to enable the option in the particular goal to "track multiple-goal from the same click ID."

  • If you want to track multiple conversions from the same click ID, enable the option for the same in Campaign Settings.

Solution: You can use any one of them.

  • Add txn_id=UNIQUE_ID, where UNIQUE_ID/LEAD_ID needs to be replaced by your advertiser; if they don’t have any macros for that, use RANDOM in postback.

  • Enable the option to track multiple conversions from the same click ID in the campaign settings.


Reason: You have shared the incorrect postback with the advertiser.

Debug: Make sure the security token in the error log matches with the advertiser-level global postback.

Solution: Share the correct advertiser postback and run the test again.



  • In the case of the MMP partner, you have created a goal with the incorrec goal value, which is available on the MMP partner panel as an event identifier name.

  • In the case of a normal postback, you have shared the wrong goal_value in a postback with the advertiser.


  • MMP Partner: Ask the advertiser the goal value for each goal that they will send us.

  • Normal Postback: Check what goal you have created in the campaign.


  • Create a goal with the same goal value as the MMP partner.

  • Check whether you have passed the correct goal_value in the postback.

Step 3: When is it a success?

If you find "--" it means there is no error and everything is working fine. You did a great job setting up the campaign!

We're thrilled to have put together a top-notch team of qualified experts who are available to handle any of your concerns and respond to any inquiries you may have. You can contact us at any time by sending an email to or using the in-platform chat feature.

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