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Goal or Event Setup

Goal or Event Setup

Updated over 11 months ago

At a Glance: This article aims to provide insight on the concept of goals and events, as well as instructions on how to set them up on the panel. Additionally, it will explain the process of generating a postback for events or goals on the panel, which can then be shared with your advertiser.

Goals and events are different conversions at different stages of the user journey. For example, the default goal for a CPI campaign is an install, but if the advertiser wants to record the conversions or user activity for the transactions made in the app as well after the installation, then an additional goal for that particular transaction will be created on the campaign page.

Campaign Goals can also be used when you want to pay the publishers for additional events after the click, for example, recurring sales, account upgrades after registration, or any other transactions that are done at a later stage after the default goal.

Setting up goals or events

  • Once the campaign is created or fetched through the API on your panel, you will find a card for revenue and payout on the campaign page. The goals can be created by clicking on the Manage Payout and Goals button, as shown below.

Setting up Goals on Trackier

  • Once you click on Manage Payouts and Goals, you will see the page shown below, where you can add a new goal by clicking on the action drop-down and selecting New Goal.

    Setting up Goals on Trackier
  • You can access the goals that have already been created from there as well.

  • After you click on New Goal, a slide-out will open on the right side of the page where you are required to fill in the necessary details to create a goal. Fill in the details and hit the Save button to complete the process

Field Description

Goals description on Trackier
  • Goal Title: This field is mandatory. This field will have the name of the goal that you want to set. e.g., registration, deposit.

  • Goal Value: This is a required field. The goal value should be the value given by your advertiser to save. This value is saved in the postback as well for successful recordings of goals or events.

The maximum characters that can be included in the goal value is 50.


  • Goal value is a value that determines the tracking of the goals of your conversions.

  • For example:

    Let us say you are running an online sales campaign. Then, there will be numerous events in that campaign, including wishlist, add-to-cart, sale, and many others. These events are also known as goals.

    Consider the scenario where you would like to monitor conversions solely for the campaign's add-to-cart event and not for the wishlist event. To accomplish this, create a new goal and set its goal value to add-to-cart.

    Please keep in mind that the goal value must be the same on the Trackier panel as well as the advertiser panel. It is case-sensitive in nature.

  • Goal Type: You can select whether you want to keep the goal in public visibility or private visibility. You can also specify the goal for a particular publisher.

    Following are the goal types:

    1. Public: These goals are visible to all the publishers assigned to the campaign.

    2. Private: These goals are not visible to any publisher, even if they are assigned to the campaign.

    3. Publisher-specific: These goals are visible only to the specific publishers out of all the publishers assigned to the campaign.

  • Hide payout from publisher: You can choose to hide payouts for goals from the publisher. Under the publisher interface, goals will not be visible to the publishers.

  • Send conversions as events: If you have integrated a fraud tool, you will have the option to record the conversions as either events (goals) or as general conversions. By default, they are sent as events to the integrated fraud tool.

  • Goal Payout Model: The payout model for the goal can be decided and selected accordingly. It can either be fixed or a percentage, depending on your requirements.

  • Track Multiple Conversion: if you want to track multiple conversions with the same click ID, then you can select one of the options.

    • Yes. Then all the conversions with the same click ID will be recorded uniquely.

    • Yes with txn_id: If you have added txn_id parameter in a postback and got unique ID in that, then you can track multiple conversions with the same click_id

    • NO: To override txn_id and not track multiple conversions with the same click ID. You further have two other options, either to discard or cancel additional conversions. You can select the option as per your requirements.

  • Payout and Revenue

  1. Coverage: You can select multiple geo's for which this goal will work.

  2. Revenue: Add the revenue that you are getting for this goal from the advertiser.

  3. Payout: Add the payout that you want to give to your publisher for successfully recording the goal.

Generating event postback

  • Once the goal has been set up, you can select the event postback directly from the campaign itself on the conversion tracking card by selecting the check mark for 'Add Goal Value' and choosing the goal from the drop-down, and further, you can share the postback with your advertiser.

Use Cases

  • Track multiple goals for a single campaign.

  • Set payouts and revenue based on goals and in-app events.

  • Apply CAP based on your goals.

  • You can select multiple geo's for each goal.

Note: You should always keep in mind to place the correct goal values in your campaign links, as this is a common error due to which the goal conversions will not be recorded. It is case-sensitive in nature.

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