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Setting CAP

Setting CAP

Updated over 2 months ago

At a Glance: This article explains how you can set CAP on your campaigns.


Cap settings are used to set up a limit on specific KPIs on a daily, monthly, or lifetime basis.

If you have a budget from the advertiser for your campaigns, then you can automatically pause the campaign and use the traffic for different offers by adding CAPs. You can set CAP for:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Lifetime

This can be set for the whole campaign or for a specific publisher or group of publishers for a campaign.

How to add CAP

Note: CAP will take approximately 5-10 minutes to get activated in tracking and a similar time to get paused, so there might be some spillover clicks/conversions on the tracking URL till 10 minutes after the CAP is reached.

  • To set a CAP, access Particular Campaign, then go to Settings, and click on the "+Add CAP" option.

  • Type: This defines the KPIs for which you want to set CAP

    • Gross Conversion

    • Approved Conversion

    • Pending Conversion

    • Payout

    • Gross Revenue

    • Gross Clicks

    • Clicks (excluding rejected clicks)

    • Pending Payzout

    • Pending Revenue

    • Impressions

    • Gross Sale Amount

  • Goal: If you have multiple goals or events in a campaign, then you can also add a CAP on goals as well. If you leave "--," that means it is the default goal of the campaign.

  • Publisher: If you select any publisher, then it will be publisher-specific CAP; otherwise, it will be campaign level if you select "ALL."

  • Exclude publishers: If you want to exclude some publishers among all publishers, you can use this section for that.

  • Publisher CAP Visibility: You can control CAP visibility on the publisher interface.

    • If you select public, then CAP will be visible to them on the offer level.

    • If you select private, then CAP will not be visible.

  • Publisher CAP Type: If you select 5 different publishers, then you have the option to set CAP for them, and then you can select from:

    • Each of them will get X number of clicks or conversions on a daily, monthly, or lifetime basis.

    • Group means combining those 5 publishers will have X number of clicks or conversions on daily, monthly, or lifetime basis.

  • Landing Pages: If you have added Multiple Landing Pages to the campaign, then you can set CAP on landing pages.

  • Campaign status after CAP reach: You can set the status of the campaign here once the CAP has been reached

  • GEOs: If you have multiple GEOs on the campaign, then you can set CAP on the GEO level as well.

Note 1: When a CAP for a campaign is reached, then the campaign will be paused by the system. Similarly, when a CAP for a publisher, geo, or landing page is reached, then the traffic for the specific publisher, geo, or landing page will be automatically paused by the system.

Note 2: If there are any conversions that have been received but are displaying in a cancelled state even after the cap has been reached, this is due to the clicks that were attributed before the cap was reached.

  • Hourly: The hourly limit is put in place to control the volume of traffic or actions that can be monitored during a set time frame, typically one hour. Once the limit is reached, the campaign will be paused until the next hour.

    Daily: With the daily cap tracker, you keep track of your limit for a specific period of time, typically on a daily basis. This can be helpful in managing your daily budget or preventing overspending.

Note: If you apply a daily cap, the number will not exceed it, and the system will pause the campaign as needed since it effectively checks the daily limit.

  • Monthly: With the monthly cap tracker, you keep track of your limit for a specific period of time, typically a month. This feature is especially useful for our clients who have a monthly budget or want to closely monitor their spending.

Note: If you are utilizing a monthly cap, the system will check the cap every half an hour, which can lead to exceeded conversions as the monthly cap cron takes time to stop the traffic.
​Once the cap has been reached, the system takes a few minutes to pause the campaign or disable the publisher tracking link.

  • Lifetime: Setting CAP for the Lifetime of the Campaign. Usually, the lifetime is considered to last 90 days.

  • CAP Over Delivery: If over delivery is set to be YES, then traffic will not be paused but spillover conversions will still be cancelled. This only applies to the daily cap.

  • Pause campaign and links: If you select No, then the traffic coming to this campaign through the smart link will be redirected to the fallback campaign. If yes is selected and the cap has been reached, then an offer_not_active error will be shown to the user.

  • TimeZone: If your advertiser is in a different timezone, to sync the CAP 24-hour clock with their timezone, you can set the different timezone on a CAP level.

  • Redirect: Once CAP is reached and the campaign is paused and you have selected "CAP Over Delivery" as NO, then there are multiple options where the traffic can be redirected.

    • You can redirect the traffic to a blank page.

    • You can redirect the traffic to different Campaign

    • You can redirect the traffic to Smart Link.

    • You can redirect the traffic Fallback URL.

Note: Once the CAP is set, you can see the usage of the CAP and its limit under campaign management, wherein they can track how much they have used and how much is remaining.

CAP Flow Chart

Note: If the cap is over and the publisher's tracking link is paused and you are changing the cap manually, for that particular day you have to enable the tracking link of that publisher manually on your own by going to the Manage links section on the campaign description page. The system will keep a check from the next day onwards.

CAP Report

  • You can view the status of your CAP by accessing the CAP Report in the Reports section. Just go to "Reports" and then click on "CAP Report."

  • You can get the reporting for how much percentage of the CAP is reached.

Pro Tip:

How can click and conversion caps function separately?

In the customise menu, go to campaign settings. There is a toggle available that helps you delink click caps from conversion caps.

If this toggle is enabled, then the conversion will not be cancelled if the click cap reaches; they will only be cancelled when the conversion cap has reached.

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